Iowa Public Radio says of the ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah, “In a region where tensions have steadily escalated for over a year, the agreement is a rare example of diplomatic success.” On face value, it may appear that way, but there is the truth - Reporter Richard En
gle (chief correspondent for NBC) says the ceasefire came after, “Hezbollah has been decimated,” by the Israeli army. “They’ve taken an enormous blow. Hassan Nasrallah is gone (he had made Hezbollah what it was),” says Engle. “His inner circle is gone. His commanders and sub commanders are gone. The weapons are largely gone. So they’re calling a cease fire basically because Israel is done with what it needed to do.” The perspective of the Nameless One concerning the ceasefire places an element of sternness with Engle’s clarity. He says, “The anti-Semite administration of Joe Biden has done its best to make sure Lebanon War #4 will be on its way. They forced Israel into this mess, yet Israel inflicted a massive blow to Hezbullah (politically and militarily) Hezbullah’s leadership was killed, about 4000 terrorists are dead, and a massive amount of terror infrastructure and weapons were taken or destroyed by Israel - basically 20 years of Iranian investment has gone down the drain.” He adds, “The ceasefire is constantly challenged by Hezbullah operatives, and the IDF is mercilessly killing them as they approach our border. As long as the Israelis can’t go back to their homes safely - the war isn’t over. Israelis have zero trust in UNIFIL/France/US/other/Lebanon army/any other body that isn’t the IDF - for securing our border.” Israel has trusted them to make a difference in the past, though they’ve effectively prospered terror and made the situation far worse. Israel is determined to no longer be deceived by them, and it has grown stronger in doing so. The Nameless One says, “The anti-Iran forces in the Middle East are on the move: north Syria, Lebanon, Ahwaz (south Iran), Sudan, South- ern Yemen, Druze - all these forces feel the vacuum Israel created by absolutely discrediting the threat of Hezbullah. By the time Trump is in office - try to follow these groups. Iran will probably lose many strongholds until then. These groups aren’t necessarily friends of Israel. Some are, but not all of them. Those who are friends are basically sending a signal that they are somehow related to the Abrahamic New Order or to the ancient allies with King Solomon…they are very talented storytellers, I’ll give them that.” He also says that operations in the West Bank are “business as usual.” “Iran is trying to set it on fire, sending money and weapons, and president Abbas appointed another guy called Rawhi Futuh to replace him if something happens to him.” He stresses that this is, “more of the same Palestinian authority corruption, as far as I understand. Nothing special.” Compounded by the International Criminal Court’s arrest warrant for two Israeli leaders, I can see why he’s apathetic. Natasha Hausdorff, of UK Lawyers for Israel, and who has briefed world leaders, says that what is happening to Israel in the ICC is a clear example of victim-blaming (which I’ve learned from the Nameless One is a strategy that Hamas uses freely in the world theater). Hausdorff says the ICC was created 20 years ago with the Rome Statute and has no formal relations with the UN. Though it was created to bring to justice the worst perpetrators of war crimes, Israel is the political target of the court. The ICC is funded by member nations, which does not include the US, and only se- cured a single conviction in its first 10 years at a cost of nearly one billion dollars. In 2020, an expert review of the court revealed a culture of bullying and fear within the staff, as well as habitual mal- practice and incompetence. Hausdorff asserts that the court is, “seeking to rehabilitate itself by going after the Jewish state (which is the world’s punching bag).” While the Biden administration purports to support Israel, the incoming Trump administration promises retaliation against the ICC. The Nameless One is very cautiously optimistic.